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Photos by James Martin Page last updated: 2021-01-13

New UHF aerial in place

Since the 1995 photos, the UHF cylinder has been replaced by two separate panel antenna systems for the addition of the interim DTT (OnDigital), which launched at Redruth early in 1999. (cf Tacolneston for a similar situation). The top four tiers of panels transmit interim DTT multiplex B only. The lower eight tiers transmits the four main analogue channels, together with the other five interim DTT multiplexes.

Panel aerials have also been added to transmit Channel 5. These are a little below the top platform, above the BBC band II aerials.

This composite photo has managed to "add" an extra Sira to the array that transmits 102.8 MHz. There are really only six tiers!

Above: One of the fine views from the Redruth site

Below: Redruth at sunset. This shot is also available as a download for use as desktop wallpaper

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