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Photos by Jordy Lyons Page last updated: 2022-09-03
Glenariff Co. Antrim
NGR: D235258 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 99m      Structure Height: 17m
Digital TV: BBC A: 39   D3&4: 42   BBC B: 45  
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Glenariff is a relay of Divis (via Larne, Cushendall and Cushendun). Pre B700 allocations: 49/54/58.

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The Glens of Antrim, as stunningly beautiful as this part of the province is, looks a nightmare for television reception! I noticed, driving into small villages, aerials in small clusters on hills, a self help system on Cushendall. Couldn't figure out why there were horizontal aerials focused on the relay until I was driving out of the village and noticed the two large aerials on the hill adjacent the relay. Glenarrif was quite a find, the wooden pole had just been replaced. The old one was still at the site. The most significant thing is the Rx feed: Glenarrif fed by Cushendall and Cushendall fed by Cushendun which is in turn fed by Larne.

Glenariff was originally a BBC landlord site which entered service on 15-Nov-1982. Channel 4 was added in June 1984.

Cushendall | Cushendun | Larne

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