Height of concrete shell: |
274.32 m (900 ft) |

data sheets
Height of microwave link room: |
274.32 m (900 ft) |
Length of aerial structure at top of mast: |
55.7 m (184 ft) |
Diameter of shell at base: |
24.4 m (80 ft) |
Diameter of shell at top: |
6.5 m (21ft 3 in) |
Wall thickness at base: |
533 mm (21 in) |
Wall thickness at top : |
350mm (13.5in) |
Amount of concrete used: |
7 000 m3 (1 900
yd3) |
weight: |
11200 tonnes |
Weight of foundations: |
5 400 tonnes |
Overall depth of foundations: |
6.1 m (20 ft) |
Weight of transmitting aerial structure: |
63 tonnes |
in co-axial feeder: |
1.5 dB |
Collapse of previous mast: |
19-Mar-1969 |
Initial briefing for new structure: |
16-May-1969 |
Start of design work: |
June 1969 |
Contractor on site : |
August 1969 |
Concrete structure completed: |
September 1970 |
Aerial mast in position: |
November 1970 |
Start of UHF service: |
21-Jan-1971 |
Start of VHF service |
21-Apr-1971 |