Photos by Lee Goulding | Page last updated: 2015-11-15 |
I took a day trip to the Isle Of Bute on the Rothesay ferry, from which I took some pictures of the Rothesay mast which is at Toward. This is on the mainland, but in a very inaccessable spot, except perhaps by boat - so I am not too surprised that it has remained on the Hit List for some time. Considering I was using maximum optical zoom, minus my tripod, and on a moving ferry (!) the results aren't too bad and might just about be usable in the gallery until some intrepid soul heads beyond the back of beyond to get something a little better. It is a bit hard to pick out much detail on the photos, though you can make out the FM receiving aerials at the base of the mast pointing at Black Hill. The UHF troughs are looking at West Kilbride. The FM broadcast aerials for BBC network services and Clyde 1 / West Sound can also be seen closer to the top of the mast. The little tower up to the left looks like an O2 Airwave site. Originally an ITA landlord site, 405-line ITV entered service on 30th August 1968. Closed April 1983. 405-line BBC 1 and BBC FM radio were transmitted from the nearby site at Toward. UHF TV channels 1 - 3 were added on 24th December 1976, with Channel 4 from June 1985. DSO was on 8th and 22nd June 2011. BBC FM radio entered service on 10th October 1984, having been transferred from Toward. Radio's 1 & 4 were added in 1993 and Radio Nan Gaidheal on 7th October 2002. ILR Glasgow (102.3 MHz) from 22nd March 2004. ILR Ayrshire (106.7 MHz) from 31st August 2006. BBC DAB entered service on 13th January 2011. |
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