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Photos by Rick Brett and Justin Smith, Aerials and TV Page last updated: 2023-03-13

Fitful Head was originally built by the BBC as a receiving station to provide the programme feeds for 405-line BBC TV and FM radio to Bressay. The off air programmes being received from Orkney, with TV on-passed to Bressay via a 7 GHz SHF link and the three radio service fed via GPO lines. The original structure was a square steel tower. The steel tower was replaced with the current wooden pole in 1980 due to the nearby construction of a radar site. There is a link to an article on the website on the replacement work with pictures of the original tower with its band I and II receiving aerials, at the foot of this page.

UHF TV services commenced in May 1980 to serve a population of about 1000 people. Channel 4 was added on 17-Apr-1987. DSO was on 5th and 19th May 2010.

Rick took these photos in Jan-2005.

Justin's photos were taken in June 2010...

Fitful Head index

Bressay A | Orkney (Netherbutton) article on Fitful Head

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