Photos by Dan Glover | Page last updated: 2017-06-01 |
Redmoss features three MF antennas (one is a wire antenna between two masts) and a 45 m square tower which was the subject of a planning application in 1998. Original 106 entered service on 24 October 2007. National DAB services were added in December 2014 and the local multiplex in February 2016. |
It's quite difficult to spot the FM and DAB antennas - they are effectively end-on when standing immediately opposite the tower! |
Ofcom data has Original 106 at 37 m and maximum ERP on bearing 330. DAB is given as 41 m with maximum ERP either 350 or 355 degrees (the detailed parameters suggest the same array is used for the three services). Unfortunately on the day I had somehow convinced myself the DAB antenna would be the phased dipoles on the right - but now I'm 300 miles away it's clear there are two 5-element yagis further up! We understand the local DAB feed is via SHF link from Durris. |
One of the MF antennas is a horizontal wire between the two smaller masts. The arrangement above insulates the wires from the mast but supports the weight and prevents twisting. There's a similar combination of chains, insulators and wires at the opposite end. |
Rather than a "T" shape the antenna uses pairs of wires running from two points to the central feed point. Unfortunately the combination of fence, other buildings and the early morning light made it impossible to obtain a clear view of the overall arrangement. |
The feed wires converge at a small building between the two light-weight masts. There is probably a more precise technical term for the topology but "delta with extended horizontal section" is the best I can manage. Some twin-mast antennas are arranged so one (or both) masts can be fed as a temporary measure but at Redmoss it's not possible to see whether the masts are insulated at their bases. |
One of the mast radiators has this odd arrangement at the top. Any ideas, anyone? |
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