Photos by Martin Brown | Page last updated: 2017-09-11 |
These pictures were taken 3 days after the UHF transmit aerial system was replaced for 700 MHz clearance. We can also see the new local TV aerials. Guildford local TV entered service on the 18th July 2017. |
The temporary mast has now gone but the trackway laid over the field remains. |
The broadcast tower. |
The UHF cylinder. The lightning conductor at the top has the same bend as seen in earlier pictures. It could be that the new aerial system has been fitted inside the original cylinder, the cylinder having had a wipe down in the process. |
Two tiers of crossed shrouded UHF log periodics for local TV transmit. These replace the interim DTT aerials, which were at the same location. The horizontal log periodic is pointing towards Crystal Palace and is actually further away from the LTV transmit aerials on the opposite leg of the tower and lower. |
Guildford local TV radiation pattern. Taken from an Ofcom document. |
Receive aerials. The UHF log on the left points at Midhurst. On the right, the horizontal band II logs at Wrotham, the vertical band II log at Crystal Palace. At the top on the right is a two element, horizontal band I Yagi, beleived to be the STL for Kane FM. |
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