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Photos by Martin Briscoe Page last updated: 2018-07-06

The original Fort William tower at Banavie and the removal of the Band I antenna

Fort William originally transmitted 405-line BBC TV (using Band I ch 5) as well as BBC FM radio, and the archive photos from Martin Briscoe show the two sets of super turnstile aerials, the upper set for Band I TV and the lower set for Band II FM radio. Service date 28th February 1963 for both. A fourth FM radio service carrying the MF version of Radio Scotland was added in January 1980. BBC 1 closed in January 1984.

I came across these photographs which show the removal of the Band I antenna from the original Fort William tower. Must have been around 1990 from others papers with them. I can't remember the sequence, there is no sign of the new tower so presume just the TV antenna were removed initially.

Fort William index

BBC RD: Service Areas of the Great Glen Chain of Television and VHF Sound Transmitters (1964)

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