Photos by Martin Brown | Page last updated: 2019-07-31 |
Unfortunately I wasn't able to get close to the St. Austell Tx site, so these pictures were taken from a distance and only show the top part of the tower DAB service dates: BBC, 27th January 2010; Cornwall, 26th July 2016. B700 channel changes were implement on 19th June 2019. |
At DSO in 2009, St Austell was one of a small number of UHF Tx sites where the ERP was increased. In this case from 100W to 250W. What was not documented at that time was that the radiation pattern was changed from a figure 8 pattern to an east pointing cardioid. Left is the analogue pattern. Right is the post DSO DTT pattern. |
The new UHF transmit cylinder at the top with two tiers of band III dipoles in front of a screen below. Unfortunately those DAB dipoles don't stand out very well from this perspective. |
DAB aerials close up. Ofcom data indicates maximum radiation is at 100°. |
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