Photos by Martin Brown | Page last updated: 2021-06-14 |
BBC National DAB service date at Grantown: 5-Mar-2010. |
The two towers at Grantown which are vertical in reality. |
DAB aerials have been added to the smaller tower. |
Two band III dipoles for DAB transmit. |
The satellite dish will be receiving the DAB programme feed. |
Over on the main Arqiva mast the UHF transmit aerials remain unchanged. |
Band II dipoles transmitting FM Radio. Two tiers, with each tier having two vertical and one horizontal dipole. |
4 UHF log periodics pointing towards Knock More. These may no longer be in use. They look to be rather corroded. |
These two UHF yagis look to be much newer than the logs, so are probably now the UHF receive aerials. |
FM Radio receive aerials. Knock More for all the services except Radio Nan Gaidheal which receives Meldrum. |
It may be June, but there is still some snow on the mountains. |
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