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Photos by Richard Moore Page last updated: 2024-03-09

New Transmission System 2023

We replaced our transmission system for West Hull Community Radio last year due to water ingress damage within the old antenna and some issues with the feeder.

The Antenna is mounted on the Western facing side of the hospital building, on the 14th floor some 60m above ground. In order to provide protection to the community station in the East of Hull we have a null imposed by Ofcom which is achieved by a directional antenna system.

We replaced the old 45 degree slant polarised antenna with a proper mixed polarisation setup as seen in the photos. At the same time we were granted a power increase from 50W to 100W . The original 50W transmitter was also replaced, and is now kept in reserve.

The transmitter equipment is located in the centre of the building roof, which necessitates over 80m of feeder. The audio is received from the studio as PCM over the internet via a VPN.

Horizontal and Vertical antennas provide mixed polarisation.

West Hull Community Radio TX, STL, Processor and Reserve TX

Hull Royal Infirmary index

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