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Photos by Rob Shufflebotham Page last updated: 2012-11-04

A pleasant hour's hike up from Glen Nevis with possibly the best evening weather for taking pictures possible. I've included a couple of Panoramas of the area, just to try and show how beautiful it looked! (The long one will no doubt have to be available as enlarge, mb). The tower itself sits just slightly below the summit on a flat area overlooking Fort William. It's a cracking view, and if you turn around, you can see the top of Ben Nevis on a clear day, like today.

The tower provides TV and DAB coverage to Fort William, while another site, inventively named Fort William, provides FM Radio. Both sets of antennas point straight down into Fort William itself, which for TV is all that's needed, but I'd have thought they might have tried to cover a wider area with DAB, but I'm not a planner! The Rx antennas can be seen near the base of the tower, and give the feed into the site. Also present are Tetra, T-Mobile and 3.

UHF Tx aerials on top, two Band III dipoles for DAB

BBC DAB entered service on 27th January 2010.

UHF RBL Rx logs on Torosay

Possibly downlink dish for DAB programme feed

Cow Hill index

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