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Photos by Roger Piper and Dan Glover Page last updated: 2016-05-27
Farley Hill Bedfordshire
NGR: TL075211 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 162m      Structure Height:
Digital TV:
Analogue TV:
National Radio:
Local Radio: Diverse FM: 102.8   Inspire FM: 105.1   Radio LaB: 97.1  
Digital Radio:
Comments: All three commercial radio stations share the same tx aerial; separate prog feed arrangements.

Hide historic services

October 2007, updated June 2016

This slim tower behind Felmersham Court in the Farley Hill area of Luton now provides signals for three CR stations in the Luton area. It's just a few hundred yards away from Luton's UHF tv relay on Winsdon Hill.

The riggers who were there at the time of Roger's visit in 2007 said that the Diverse programme feed was incoming by microwave link via the small panel antenna shown below.

Diverse FM has used the site since April 2007 and was joined by Radio LaB in March 2010 and Inspire FM in August 2010. Ofcom data suggests Radio LaB may not use the same antenna as the other services - Dan went to see if anything had changed since Roger's visit

In 2007 Diverse FM had the exclusive use of the dipole on the right hand side - Ofcom data shows maximum ERP to the north east (bearing 045) and a height of 46 m

The square SHF panel provides the programme feed from the Diverse FM studios which are located about one mile from the transmitter site

The Luton relay from the Farley Hill site

By May 2016 a second dipole had been added just below the top of the main structure. Ofcom data showsRadio LaB as having maximum ERP on bearing 030 at 45m above ground...

...however the main influence on the radiation pattern will be the screening effect of the main structure

One of the CR stations uses a Band I link. By process of elimination this would seem to serve Inspire FM - the distance involved is under half a mile

No idea what has happened to the sign - but this is one of a growing number of sites now operated by Wireless Infrastructure Group

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