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Photos by Glyn Roylance and Neil White Page last updated: 2016-04-25
St. Mawes Water Tower Cornwall
NGR: SW847342 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height:       Structure Height:
Digital TV:
Analogue TV:
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio: BBC National: 12B   Cornwall: 11B  

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June 2012, updated September 2015

Glyn: "It was a typical June summers day in Cornwall - ie grey and raining! Not the prettiest transmission stucture, but it serves its purpose and is shared with Orange and Airwave. The DAB antennas are on the south-west corner, and the satellite feed dish on the south east corner."

Neil: "Our trip to this part of Cornwall in late September was an unusual day, it was bright and sunny. The water tower is on the approach to the village on National Trust Land."

In June 2012, seen from the north...

...and from the south

Transmission is from a pair of dipoles

As usual a satellite feed is in use

As indicated above, Neil had better weather in September 2015

There's no change since Glyn visited but here is a different perspective, with the GPS cones and feed dish "framed" by the structure

Later installations have a conical cover over the front of the dish - we understand the various cables running to the back of the dish are to provide anti-ice heating

Before moving on, another view of the transmit dipoles

Editor's note: the original from Neil is around 5000 pixels wide and looked spectacular. Unfortunately with the sky and the grass cropped it's a bit like peering through a letterbox!

Anyway, the service area, looking across to Falmouth

Pendennis Castle, guarding the entrance to Falmouth

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