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Arncliffe Wood North Yorkshire
NGR: SE458995 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height:       Structure Height:
Digital TV: BBC A: 29   D3&4: 31   BBC B: 37   SDN: 29   Arq A: 31   Arq B: 37  
Analogue TV:
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Temporary site put into service following the fire at Bilsdale. Initially used 40/43/46 and 29/31/37. On 13th October MUXs 4/5/6 closed, and the PSB MUXs took over 29/31/37. Closed July 2023.

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Temporary UHF mast - August 2021
Photos by Martin Brown

March 2022
Photos by Martin Brown

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mb21 by Mike Brown
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