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Photos by David Foord, Jonathan Naylor and Craig Burns Page last updated: 2016-01-13

Situation prior to 2010

Swingate, near Dover, provides BBC FM radio services to those parts of SE Kent not served by the Wrotham station.

The 3 towers are what remains of the original 4 Chain Home radar transmitting towers built around 1938.

One of the towers was the British end of the first live cross-channel TV transmission on 27 August 1950. A 4.7GHz microwave link was used direct to the clock tower in Calais.

The centre tower is the one carrying the Band II broadcast aerials

Swingate from the cross channel ferry.

Swingate index

Dover | Wrotham

BBC RD: Service area of the Dover television and VHF sound transmitters (1962)

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