Photos by Sean Cooper and Peter Bigwood | Page last updated: 2022-09-14 |
This is the AM transmitter for ILR in Norfolk and North Suffolk. It's actually in a dip, away from the nearby Postwick masts which carry the usual AM suspects! However being in the dip is actually an advantage, because the ground is damp and that makes the transmitter that little bit more efficient! |
Arqiva take site security very seriously these days. Even the site security sign is behind bars. Seriously though, looking at Sean's photos of Brundall makes me wonder at the complexity of the installation for just one local service. |
The next five pairs of images show the radiating wires in red and the capacity hat wires in blue... |
A couple of the capacity hat anchor points. The nearer of them appears to have needed an emergency repair at some point. |
Looks like an insulator has been replaced with a piece of nylon bar |
Capacity hat wire with a pukka ceramic insulator and anchor point wire |
Capacity hat anchor point. Postwick can be seen in the background. |
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