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Photos by Sam Reid Page last updated: 2018-10-22
Moneymore Co. Londonderry
NGR: H856827 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 50m      Structure Height: 17m
Digital TV: BBC A: 41   D3&4: 44   BBC B: 47  
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Moneymore was formerly a relay of Divis, but since 7th July 2014 all TV is BT fibre fed. Pre B700 allocations: 46/43/40.

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What's going on at this site? Can anyone shed any light? It looks like there are two different arrangements for reception here - a pair of yagis and a set of four logs. Are these two different arrangements which have been tried at diffrernt times, and if so which one is in current use? [Ed]. None, as this site is now line fed, probably because reception of Divis was problematic.

Moneymore was originally an IBA landlord site which entered service on 15th December 1983.

Divis A

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