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Photos by Jordy Lyons Page last updated: 2021-10-13
Banbridge Co. Down
NGR: J134460 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 102m      Structure Height: 30m
Digital TV: BBC A: 41   D3&4: 44   BBC B: 47  
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Relay of Divis. Pre B700 allocations: 40/43/46.

Show historic services

March 2006

The tx is a pretty standard set up, it appears to be directional back towards the town itself.

Banbridge entered service on the 22nd April 1983. DSO was on the 10th and 24th October 2012.

TV reception must be difficult in the general area, I've seen houses
with up to 4 aerials - the photo above is an example of this.

Sent you a few other photos... I played at Banbridge FC in my much younger days and of
course couldn't submit Banbridge without a pic of our local Friday night watering hole!

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