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Photos by Mark Carver Page last updated: 2023-09-10
Thetford UHF Norfolk
NGR: TL866840 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 36.6m      Structure Height: 25m
Digital TV: BBC A: 26   D3&4: 23   BBC B: 30  
National Radio:
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Thetford is a relay of Tacolneston. Pre B700 allocations: 26/23/29

Show historic services

April 2005

This 8W ERP (was 20W analogue) relay serves the centre of the Norfolk village of Thetford with analogue TV services.

The parent station Tacolneston (about 18 miles to the north east) is received by the small log-periodic seen two thirds the way up the mast.

Thetford UHF was originally a BBC landlord site which entered service on 10-Jun-1977 to serve 1800 people. Channel 4 was added on 18-Jul-1986. DSO was on the 9th and 23rd November 2011.

Thetford DAB

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