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Photos by Mark Carver and Ian Harpur Page last updated: 2011-11-15

This site is on top of a maltings grain storage building. It's difficult to get close to, as the building is well out of the way of public access. The photos were taken from the south side of the A14 dual-carriageway, on a river bank.

You can just make out the single HP Rx log, and about 8 VP Tx logs.

The relay seems well used on the east side of the town, and is in the same direction as the parent transmitter at Tacolneston. Indeed a few homes have aerials for both transmitters, which is odd because it entered service in January 1983, and two month old C4 was available from there on day 1. The plant itself almost certainly screens off any decent signal from Tacolneston, hence the primary purpose of the relay.

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