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Photos by John Rhodes Page last updated: 2024-03-28

Bressay in the 1970s

Before 1976 when the car ferry was introduced, access to Bressay with its Mk1 tower was by foot ferry as in this 1975 photo.

BBC building in front of the Mk1 tower. The dish received SHF from Fitful Head, itself receiving VHF TV and Radio from Netherbutton on Orkney mainland. The 85 miles path from Netherbutton to Fitful Head suffered from deep fades which would result in Bressay shutting down. It would do this with a curious 'whoop' sound for a second or so before switching off. Was something to do with a beat when a reserve receiver started up at shutdown.

The ITV transmitter at Bressay consisted of a pair of Thompson CSF TH331 tetrodes run in parallel at a combined power of 750w peak sync for the 10kw erp aerial. The program feed was SHF height diversity reception from Fair Isle, itself receiving UHF from Keelylang Hill. Rodhe and Schwarz SWOB carrying out an important function bottom left.

BBC1 405 lines had been the only channel available in Shetland since 1964 when Bressay was constructed, so the Shetland Times heralded the opening of ITV 625 lines in colour just before Christmas 1976.

Bressay and Noss seen from afar on the road north from the airport.

View of Lerwick

View of Noss

Bressay A index

Fair Isle (link site) | Fitful Head | Keelylang Hill A | Orkney (Netherbutton)

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