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Photos by Sean Cooper Page last updated: 2018-11-19

Photos - April & May 2010

The main digital television antenna (S1) on the new/DSO mast.

The reserve digital television antenna (S2) on the new/DSO mast. This wrap around antenna system is at roughly the same height as the former analogue antenna system on the old mast (Mean height: 163m agl).

This montage is of the new/DSO mast and was taken before the feeders were pulled up the mast.

The Digital One (DAB) antenna system (left) on the old/analogue mast.

The Band II re-broadcast standby (RBS) antenna system, pointing towards Wrotham, on the old/analogue mast.

It's now the end of May 2010, and the feeder pull up the new/DSO mast has begun. This feeder drum contained 330m of RFS Heliflex 5" air cable.

The Alan Dick Band II (FM) antenna system panels, with the BBC digital radio (DAB) dipoles already attached.

One of the stay anchor blocks, for the new/DSO mast.

The base of the new/DSO mast, with the first 5" thick feeder running up it.

Looking up at the new/DSO mast, before the many antenna systems are added. The anti-twist stays (bottom set) are approx. 38m agl.

The old/analogue mast. The Band II RBS yagis can clearly be seen (middle-right).

Even Bambi seems to be taking an interest in TAC's digital switchover work...

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