Photos by Martin Brown | Page last updated: 2021-07-03 |
There have been no changes to the broadcast services transmitted from West Kilbride since DSO in May 2011, but these are some more detailed pictures of the various broadcast aerials. |
The approach to the tower. |
The east-southeast face of the tower. The red antenna at the very top is believed to be a direction-finding arrangement for VHF marine band. |
Moving round to the south-southwest face of the tower, all of the transmit aerials can now be seen. UHF TV at the top with a single vertical band II aerial just below on the left and two band III yagis on the right for DAB transmit. |
UHF TV transmit. The original curved panels on the right and the new post DSO arrangement on the left comprised of a Sira UTV-14 collinear with a reflector. |
The original curved panels close up. |
Just below the UHF aerials at 43.5m is the FM radio transmit aerial. A vertical Marconi band II dipole. |
DAB transmit. Two 5 element band III yagis. Ofcom data places these aerials at the 34m level. |
UHF receive aerials. The original Darvel trough and twin log perioidcs now used to receive the transmissions from Black Hill. |
FM radio receive aerials. Left is pointing towards Rothesay, right towards Black Hill. Rothesay provides the Radio Scotland programme feed only. Radio 1 - 4 are fed from Black Hill. |
The Rothesay Rx aerial continues to be a 2½ element yagi. |
Black Hill band II Rx. |
Satellite dish used for telemetry. The Ayr DAB programme feed is likely to be via an SHF link. |
West Kilbride |
Black Hill A | Darvel | Rothesay
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