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Photos by Dave Stanley Page last updated: 2024-05-15

May 2024

Thanet is conveniently viewed from the neighbouring Canterbury Bell pub car park. There is a lot of construction work in the area and whatever was in the compound next to the site has been demolished meaning direct access is not so easy.

There have been some changes on the tower. The most obvious is the addition of the microwave link dishes. One set of four at the top right is pointed roughly south-east towards the continent. They might be something to do with stock market real-time trading.

The DAB receive dish is near the bottom at the back.

The FM and DAB antennas are at the top. The FM Lindenblad array is probably the original from 1984.

In the photos from 2009 there was an array of six element yagi antennas. They were without doubt the FM RBR receive antennas. They have been replaced with four element antennas. Six element band II yagis are quite difficult to mount on any tower securely.

In the early days of Invicta Radio the smaller sites (Wye (Ashford), Dover and Thanet) were all line fed. Wye (Ashford) and Thanet did for some time have separate programming and commercials before other stations which eventually became KMFM launched. Later on these sites were converted to RBR 102.8MHz from Dunkirk.

The path from Dunkirk is good and not too long at 30km. There is however significant interference during high-pressure weather conditions from the continent which requires the elaborate antenna system. Dover is still badly affected.

The DAB receive dish

Thanet index

Dover | Dunkirk | Wye (Ashford)

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