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Photos by AK Page last updated: 2022-04-04
Leek (Stockwell Villas)
NGR: SJ984567 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height:       Structure Height:
Digital TV:
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Local Radio: Moorlands Radio: 97.3  
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March 2022

This is a fairly typical simple community radio installation for Moorlands Radio in Leek, comprising a vertically polarised folded dipole mounted on the chimney of the station's studio premises. Added in May 2021 as part of Ofcom's community radio coverage improvement programme, it provides infill coverage of the Leek town centre area on 97.3 MHz at 25 watts ERP.
AK writes:

Moorlands Radio launched from these Stockwell Villas premises in 2009, before moving for a number of years to a nearby fire station, returning to their original building in 2020.

Previously, a Band 1 STL antenna feeding the station's 103.7 MHz site at Biddulph Moor (Rails Farm) was mounted in the same location - this now appears to have been removed and no obvious replacement STL is visible. Maybe this tx is now the source, with Rails Farm relaying the 97.3 MHz signal?

Biddulph Moor (Rails Farm)

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