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Photos by Mike Smith and Wayne Brewer Page last updated: 2023-09-15
Tywyn Gwynedd
NGR: SH581004 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 6m      Structure Height: 36.6m
Digital TV:
National Radio: Radio Five Live: 990 kHz  
Local Radio:
Digital Radio:
Comments: Transmitted Radio Wales on 882 kHz until April 2020.

Show historic services

Updated May 2016

Mike's photos show the site with two masts and just a hint that there may be something strung between them. Wayne has filled in the detail but Ofcom parameters aren't entirely clear as Radio Wales is shown with an antenna height of 36 m and 5 kW as compared with Five Live at 45 m but 0.4 kW. Both services are omnidirectional according to the parameters but given the location and the type of antenna this would seem unlikely?

Wayne found the signs on the main gate to be in Welsh only

The transmitter building is between the two masts which are oriented along a north east/south west line and very close to the seafront

On the left we see a Band II yagi which may have formed part of the feed arrangements at some point in the site's history. Pairs of wires in a V-shape can be seen just to the right...

...these join to a horizontal section which is suspended between and insulated from the two masts...

...which are insulated at the base

The main antenna therefore seems to be a cross between a "T" and "delta" and probably is intended to have maximum radiation south east and north west?

Further detail of the feed point - everything is held in position by a combination of springs and insulated sections

MF sites are now satellite fed as part of new distribution arrangements.

Station History:

14-Dec-1952 Tywyn enters service with the Welsh Home Service on 881 kHz.

1976 Transmitter added for Radio 1 on 1214 kHz.

23-Nov-1978. Transmitter added for Radio 1 on 1089 kHz. Radio Wales on 882 kHz, Radio 3 on 1215 kHz.

13-May-1983. Transmitter added for Radio 2 on 990 kHz.

27-Aug-1990. 990 kHz re-assigned to Radio 5.

28-Feb-1992 Radio 3 on 1215 kHz closed.

30-Jun-1994 Radio 1 on 1089 kHz closed.

2-Apr-2020 Radio Wales on 882 kHz closed.

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mb21 by Mike Brown
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