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Photos by James Hamilton and Dan Glover Page last updated: 2023-06-21
NGR: SK813538 Maps: Google  Bing (Ord Surv)   Site Height: 45m      Structure Height:
Digital TV:
National Radio:
Local Radio: Radio Nottingham: 95.1  
Digital Radio:
Comments: Newark is a relay of Mapperley Ridge

Show historic services

Updated July 2015

The Newark transmitter for BBC Radio Nottingham entered service on 6 January 2004.

The site is at Beacon Hill, next to a covered reservoir

Transmission is vertically polarised only from a three-element yagi. The tower probably reduces the signal "off the back" - Ofcom data shows a reduction of 25 dB to the east and the maximum ERP to the west

The building seems quite large for a site running 200 W ERP - was there provision for possible site sharing?

Below: twelve years after the relay entered service and nothing seems to have changed. Certainly no evidence of current or past site sharing...

Is the pole "inside" the tower acting as an extra reflector behind the transmit yagi? Certainly it's unlikely to fall down any time soon...

...and whoever designed the installation has carefully arranged for one face of the tower to be aligned with Mapperley Ridge

Nothing to identify this as a broadcast site.

Mapperley Ridge | Newark (Barnby Road)

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