Photos by Martin Brown | Page last updated: 2020-09-27 |
Oxford has had another set of aerials added for local TV. These were required for 700 MHz band clearance (B700), with a change to two new UHF channels with separate coverage patterns. The local TV changes were implemented on the 23-May-2018. |
Top, the new local TV transmit aerial array. Bottom, the original local TV transmit array. Ofcom documentation quoted an aerial height of 59m for the original aerial. I estimate the new aerial system is at about 66m. The crossed pairs on the left transmit on ch 22, while the aerials on the right transmit a beam to the east on ch 46. |
Ofcom Oxford local TV radiation pattern. Fig A10 is for ch 22. Fig A11 is ch 46. |
No obvious changes to any of the other transmit aerials, but here they are again. |
Main UHF transmit (S1). |
Interleaved FM and DAB radio. |
Top: UHF reserve transmit aerial Middle: The former "SIX TV" aerial. Closed April 2009. Lower: Twin band II log periodics pointing towards Sutton Coldfield. Used to receive the BBC national FM radio programme feed. |
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