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Photos by John P Martin Page last updated: 2022-08-18

20 year update: new Rx log-periodic array

I thought it was hard to believe that nearly 20 years have passed since Stuart first photographed the site without someone having visited it since. But then I climbed the 400 metre hill, during a heatwave, and understood why! Details follow but a brief summary of changes:

1. The 3 MUX frequencies did not change after DSO in 2010
2. The Tx panels appear to be the originals
3. The 8 log-periodic Rx array has been replaced with a new set; this time without the toe-in
4. Removal of some PMR VHF dipoles
5. AirWave/TETRA moved to a new tower
6. Extensive new cabling

Seen from about 8km to the South-East, the tower can be seen atop Drummond Hill with the munro
Schiehallion (1083m) in the background. Kenmore is just above the eastern end of Loch Tay in Scotland-shire.

Are we nearly there yet? Mere mortals are not allowed to drive up to the tower, so it is a 4km walk from the Drummond Hill Car Park with an ascent of nearly 400m to get there.

Arriving at the equipment village. Thanks to pal David for carrying the tripod.

Some official signage

Some unofficial signage!

Stitched photo of the whole tower with the shiny new log-periodic Rx array. Many of the previous VHF dipoles (PMR) have gone but a few remain.

The three stacks of 4-tier Tx panels appear to be the originals and seem in pretty good condition.

Shiny new(ish) horizontally polarised Rx log-periodics pointing to the Angus parent station. Arranged as 2-tiers of 4, this replacement array does not have the 8-degree toe-in that the previous array had. The toe-in was to try and maintain a constant boom-spacing of 0.7 wavelengths over the full frequency range and BBC Research found by experimentation that 8-degrees was about right. Maybe it is now felt that toe-in produces more problems with the HRP than is worth the flatter gain of maintaining the 0.7 wavelength spacing?

Here they are again seen from directly underneath. I think they are not the commonly-seen Amphenol manufacture. They still have the inter-boom black PVC dielectric but there are what appears to be drainage holes on the underside of the booms. The nose termination also seems different.

There are still some dipoles sprouting from the tower, but far fewer than when Stuart took his photos in 2003. I assume many of these were for Private Mobile Radio and emergency services, now superseded by AirWave/TETRA etc.

This old pair are probably low-band VHF as previously used by the emergency services for longer-range.

High-band VHF. Tempting as it might seem to imagine that FM radio comes from Kenmore, it doesn't.

No, not Band II or Band III.

This dish has seen better days but presumably redundant since the fibre network replaced the microwave backbone.

Signs of new life. This 8-dipole omni-directional array is for utilities companies for data collection and control using the 457-464MHz band reserved for the MPT 1411 specification for telemetry (remote smart-meter monitoring).

Here they are again. Neat little things.

Much of the cabling at the site looks very new and might have been part of a refurbishment.

50 metres away from the main tower, this new one sports the characteristic space-diversity triad of folded dipole stacks for AirWave/TETRA. I assume these replace the older GRP covered vertical co-linear arrays on the main tower.

The incoming single-phase electricity supply (11kV?) The utility pole just hides the summit of Schiehallion (sorry).

Final shot of part of the track leading up to the site.

Kenmore index

Angus | Grandtully | Killin | Tummel Bridge

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