Introduction and History
Photos by

Earlier photos - 1
Photos by
Sean Cooper

Earlier Photos - 2
Photos by
David Foord, David Neale and Martin Watkins

Earlier Photos - 3
Photos by
Joe Landy, Jules Hoult (sunset) and David Neale

It's Fallen Down!! Aftermath - 31st October 2004
Photos by
Tony Mann, Nik Fox, Mark Harris and BBC Look East News

Aftermath of Collapse - October 2004
Photos by
Richard Moore

Visit - 5th November 2004
Photos by
David Neale

Aftermath of Collapse - temp mobile phone masts, November 2004
Photos by

February and March 2005 - work begins on the temporary replacement mast
Photos by
Dick Gilbert

April 2005 - the temporary mast nears completion
Photos by
Dick Gilbert

August 2005 - work on the permanent replacement mast begins
Photos by
Paul Westwell

October 2005 - fitting out the new permanent mast
Photos by
Stephen Druitt

December 2005 - new permanent mast complete
Photos by
Richard Allen

2006 - rebuild complete
Photos by
Robert Whittaker

August 2024
Photos by
Jack Richardson

Coverage area map
VHF/FM BBC National

Coverage area map
Radio Cambridgeshire